- Cadena
is a high fashion swatch book designed for the custom couturier and
high end sewing enthusiast. The company is located in Madrid, Spain
and distributes books to 41 countries.
- Each
swatch book contains over 480 styles with over 900 swatches
- The
book is sent out twice a year
- the
fall book : sent at the beginning of July
- the
spring book : sent at the beginning of January
- Fabrics
include : cashmeres, alpacas, sweater knits, beaded silks, faux furs,
silk prints, doudle wool crepes…
- Prices
are between $15.00/yard and $500.00/yard with the majority between
$50.00 - $150.00/yard.
- Inventory
will be 95% in stock for the first 4 months of each book, after that
the fabric will be closed out and not reordered. There will however
be some of the same basics each season.
On each page you will find:
picture of a style with its number at the bottom of the picture.
explanation of the style in 4 different languages.
of the fabrics used to make this style the number at the top of the
width of the fabric.
the end of the book there are color cards. Every fabric used in creation
of a style is shown on these pages with the whole range of colors.
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